Validation and Harmonisation of Visual Analog Scale (VAS)

Validation and Harmonisation of Visual Analog Scale (VAS)

The Visual Analog Scale (VAS) is a subjective measurement instrument commonly used in research and clinical settings to assess a person’s perception of a specific construct, such as pain, anxiety, or mood. It is a horizontal line with endpoints labeled as 0 (representing no experience of the construct) and 10 (representing the worst possible experience of the construct). The participant is asked to place a mark on the line to indicate their experience on a continuum between the two endpoints.

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Validation and Harmonisation of Visual Analog Scale (VAS)

Harmony can help researchers validate and harmonise the VAS with other instruments by using its natural language processing and generative AI models. Researchers can input the VAS into Harmony’s web interface and compare it with other instruments in Harmony’s database, such as the GAD-7 and PHQ-9. Harmony will provide a percentage match between each item in the VAS and the items in the other instruments, allowing researchers to identify the level of alignment between the two.

This can help researchers determine the validity of the VAS as a measurement tool and also establish crosswalks with other instruments. By comparing the items in the VAS with those in other instruments, researchers can assess the degree to which the VAS is able to measure change in the same construct as the other instruments. This can also aid in identifying areas of overlap and differences between the instruments, providing valuable insights for future research and measurement considerations.

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