Now you can share your harmonisations with your colleagues with a simple share link!
We’ve added Firebase authentication to Harmony. You can log in with Google, Github or Twitter, and then you can see all your previous harmonisation work.
You can even share your work with colleagues on LinkedIn, Twitter, or via URL.
You’ll then be taken to the dialogue box in your chosen platform, where you can share your work as normal.
I tried harmonising two scales for gambling problems. Harmony both pointed me to existing studies in our partner site Catalogue of Mental Health Measures, and allowed me to share the work on social media.
You can see my LinkedIn post below. Why not give it a try and share your research with your colleagues?
[Beta mode: we are currently testing this extension] We have developed a browser extension for Harmony called “Send to Harmony” which lets you send selected text to Harmony with a right-click. For PDFs, use the popup to paste your selected text. Send to Harmony enables users to send selected text to the Harmony Data Harmonization ( platform for analysis. This plugin provides a right-click or context menu item which allows users to easily bring text from into their harmonisations, making it easier to compare and analyze different measurement scales across research studies.
We have a number of exciting updates to Harmony including: some improvements to the R library which have been asked for by researchers around the world who have been using Harmony on studies in lots of different topics as well as making our own fine tuned large language model available in the web UI, which is José’s winning model from the DOXA challenge which ended on 10 January 2025. Harmony has its own Large Language Model!