Validation and Harmonisation of Overall Health-related Quality of Life (SF-36)

The Overall Health-related Quality of Life (SF-36) is a self-reported questionnaire commonly used to measure overall health status in research and healthcare settings. It consists of eight scaled scores, each measuring a different aspect of physical and mental health. Researchers often use this instrument to assess changes in health status over time or compare it with other similar instruments.

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Validation and Harmonisation of Overall Health-related Quality of Life (SF-36)

However, the process of validating and harmonising the Overall Health-related Quality of Life (SF-36) with other instruments can be time-consuming and subjective. This is where Harmony can be a valuable tool for researchers.

Harmony uses natural language processing and generative AI models to compare items in the SF-36 with items in other instruments, even in different languages. This allows researchers to quickly and objectively identify which variables in the SF-36 match variables in other instruments. They can then establish crosswalks and harmonise the data to be used in their research.

Harmony can also assist in the validation process by providing a percentage match between each item in the SF-36 and other instruments, allowing researchers to assess the degree of similarity between the two.

Overall, Harmony streamlines and automates the process of validating and harmonising the Overall Health-related Quality of Life (SF-36) with other instruments, saving researchers time and effort while also ensuring more accurate and consistent results in their studies.

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