The Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) is a widely used questionnaire for measuring the change in pain and function after spine fusion surgery. It consists of 10 questions related to different daily activities and their level of difficulty due to back or leg pain. The scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating worse outcomes.
Validating the ODI is important in order to ensure its reliability and accuracy in measuring the change in pain and function. This is where Harmony can be helpful for researchers.
Harmony uses natural language processing and generative AI models to identify and compare variables in different instruments, in this case the ODI and other questionnaires related to pain and function. Researchers can input their own instruments or select from Harmony’s database and Harmony will compare the variables and give a percentage match between each item.
This allows researchers to establish crosswalks between the ODI and other instruments, making it easier to compare and harmonise data from different studies. Additionally, Harmony can also provide suggestions for new variables or questions that may enhance the validity of the ODI and improve its ability to measure changes in pain and function.
In summary, Harmony can assist researchers in validating the ODI and harmonising it with other instruments, improving the accuracy and reliability of data collected and allowing for more comprehensive comparisons and analyses.