Validation and Harmonisation of NASA TLX (NASA Task Load Index)

Validation and Harmonisation of NASA TLX Survey Index Scores (NASA Task Load Index)

The NASA TLX (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index) is a survey that measures an individual’s perceived task load in various workload dimensions, including mental, physical, and temporal demands, effort, and frustration level. It is often used in research and industry settings, such as in evaluating the workload of pilots and healthcare professionals.

Questions in the NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX)

1How mentally demanding was the task?
2How physically demanding was the task?
3How hurried or rushed was the pace of the task?
4How successful were you in accomplishing what you were asked to do?
5How hard did you have to work to accomplish your level of performance?
6How insecure, discouraged, irritated, stressed, and annoyed were you?

Harmony can assist researchers in harmonising the NASA TLX Survey Index Scores with other instruments by comparing item variables from the NASA TLX with variables from other instruments. This allows researchers to establish crosswalks between the NASA TLX and other instruments, making it easier to compare and combine data from multiple studies.

Additionally, Harmony can help validate the NASA TLX Survey Index Scores by providing a percentage match between item variables. This allows researchers to assess the degree to which the NASA TLX is able to measure changes in the construct it is intended to measure. By comparing the variables and assessing the degree of match, researchers can gain a better understanding of the validity and reliability of the NASA TLX.

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Validation and Harmonisation of NASA TLX Survey Index Scores


  • Hart S. G., Staveland L. E. (1988) Development of NASA-TLX (Task Load Index): Results of empirical and theoretical research. In Hancock P. A., Meshkati N. (Eds.) Human Mental Workload. Amsterdam: North Holland Press.
  • Harmonisation and validation of instruments

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