Join a competition to train a machine learning model to improve Harmony’s PDF parsing. You don’t need to have trained a machine learning model before.
We would like to improve Harmony’s PDF parsing algorithm.
We would like to improve Harmony with a fine tuned language model. We have teamed up with DOXA AI and made an online competition where you can improve on the off-the-shelf LLMs which we are currently using. You can win up to £1000 in vouchers! Click here to join the Harmony matching competition on DOXA AI.
We have gathered training data for you to use to fine tune your model, and there is unseen validation data which we will use to score the model.
More information is available on the DOXA AI page.
First, create an account on DOXA AI and enroll in the competition and download the code examples and training data.
The prize for the winner of the competition is £1000 in vouchers and the runner up will get £500 in vouchers.
Harmony at GenAI and LLMs night at Google London on 10 December 2024 Above: video of the AICamp meetup in London on 10 December 2024. Harmony starts at 40:00 - the first talk is by Connor Leahy of Conjecture We have presented the AI tool Harmony at the GenAI and LLMs night at Google London on 10th December organised by AI Camp at Google Cloud Startup Hub. AI Camp and Google hosted two deep dive tech talks on AI, GenAI, LLMs and machine learning, with food/drink, networking with speakers and fellow developers.
Click to view the video of the training session Transforming data management with the Harmony Data Tool: A hands-on introduction We’re excited to be partnering with UK Data Service to deliver a practical workshop on how to best use our tools. The session will take place online on 29 November. With live demonstrations of the Harmony Data Tool’s key functionalities, participants will leave with a clear understanding of how this tool can improve their data management processes which will help improve the efficiency and accuracy of longitudinal data analysis.